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Madara Superseed Radiant Energy Organic Facial Oil 30ml

Madara Superseed Radiant Energy Organic Facial Oil 30ml

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£41.62 (£1.39 per ML)

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Product Description

Madara Superseed Radiant Energy Organic Facial Oil. Madara Superseed Radiant Energy Organic Facial Oil is a radiance-boosting concentrate of nine rare and precious dry oils that give the skin a luxurious youthful glow. The multivitamin-antioxidant power of Blueberry, Cloudberry, and Cranberry seed oils is synergistically blended with the revitalising action of Blackberry, Black Cumin, and Parsley seed oils and wrapped in the skin-softening trio of Pumpkin, Borage and Golden Jojoba seed oils. Absorbed by the skin almost instantly, this dry oil cocktail boosts skin’s natural regeneration and hydration, helps to neutralise environmental pollutants and stress, and returns skin back to life. Vegan, Paraben Free, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Organic.


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